package Win32; # BEGIN { use strict; use vars qw|$VERSION $XS_VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK|; require Exporter; require DynaLoader; @ISA = qw|Exporter DynaLoader|; $VERSION = '0.59'; $XS_VERSION = $VERSION; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; @EXPORT = qw( NULL WIN31_CLASS OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION MB_ICONHAND MB_ICONQUESTION MB_ICONEXCLAMATION MB_ICONASTERISK MB_ICONWARNING MB_ICONERROR MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_ICONSTOP ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( GetOSName SW_HIDE SW_SHOWNORMAL SW_SHOWMINIMIZED SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE CSIDL_DESKTOP CSIDL_PROGRAMS CSIDL_PERSONAL CSIDL_FAVORITES CSIDL_STARTUP CSIDL_RECENT CSIDL_SENDTO CSIDL_STARTMENU CSIDL_MYMUSIC CSIDL_MYVIDEO CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_NETHOOD CSIDL_FONTS CSIDL_TEMPLATES CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_APPDATA CSIDL_PRINTHOOD CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE CSIDL_COOKIES CSIDL_HISTORY CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA CSIDL_WINDOWS CSIDL_SYSTEM CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES CSIDL_MYPICTURES CSIDL_PROFILE CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO CSIDL_RESOURCES CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA ); # } # We won't bother with the constant stuff, too much of a hassle. Just hard # code it here. sub NULL { 0 } sub WIN31_CLASS { &NULL } sub OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION { 0x00000001 } sub GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION { 0x00000002 } sub DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION { 0x00000004 } sub SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION { 0x00000008 } sub MB_ICONHAND { 0x00000010 } sub MB_ICONQUESTION { 0x00000020 } sub MB_ICONEXCLAMATION { 0x00000030 } sub MB_ICONASTERISK { 0x00000040 } sub MB_ICONWARNING { 0x00000030 } sub MB_ICONERROR { 0x00000010 } sub MB_ICONINFORMATION { 0x00000040 } sub MB_ICONSTOP { 0x00000010 } # # Newly added constants. These have an empty prototype, unlike the # the ones above, which aren't prototyped for compatibility reasons. # sub SW_HIDE () { 0 } sub SW_SHOWNORMAL () { 1 } sub SW_SHOWMINIMIZED () { 2 } sub SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED () { 3 } sub SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE () { 4 } sub CSIDL_DESKTOP () { 0x0000 } # <desktop> sub CSIDL_PROGRAMS () { 0x0002 } # Start Menu\Programs sub CSIDL_PERSONAL () { 0x0005 } # "My Documents" folder sub CSIDL_FAVORITES () { 0x0006 } # <user name>\Favorites sub CSIDL_STARTUP () { 0x0007 } # Start Menu\Programs\Startup sub CSIDL_RECENT () { 0x0008 } # <user name>\Recent sub CSIDL_SENDTO () { 0x0009 } # <user name>\SendTo sub CSIDL_STARTMENU () { 0x000B } # <user name>\Start Menu sub CSIDL_MYMUSIC () { 0x000D } # "My Music" folder sub CSIDL_MYVIDEO () { 0x000E } # "My Videos" folder sub CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY () { 0x0010 } # <user name>\Desktop sub CSIDL_NETHOOD () { 0x0013 } # <user name>\nethood sub CSIDL_FONTS () { 0x0014 } # windows\fonts sub CSIDL_TEMPLATES () { 0x0015 } sub CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU () { 0x0016 } # All Users\Start Menu sub CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS () { 0x0017 } # All Users\Start Menu\Programs sub CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP () { 0x0018 } # All Users\Startup sub CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY () { 0x0019 } # All Users\Desktop sub CSIDL_APPDATA () { 0x001A } # Application Data, new for NT4 sub CSIDL_PRINTHOOD () { 0x001B } # <user name>\PrintHood sub CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA () { 0x001C } # non roaming, user\Local Settings\Application Data sub CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES () { 0x001F } sub CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE () { 0x0020 } sub CSIDL_COOKIES () { 0x0021 } sub CSIDL_HISTORY () { 0x0022 } sub CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA () { 0x0023 } # All Users\Application Data sub CSIDL_WINDOWS () { 0x0024 } # GetWindowsDirectory() sub CSIDL_SYSTEM () { 0x0025 } # GetSystemDirectory() sub CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES () { 0x0026 } # C:\Program Files sub CSIDL_MYPICTURES () { 0x0027 } # "My Pictures", new for Win2K sub CSIDL_PROFILE () { 0x0028 } # USERPROFILE sub CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON () { 0x002B } # C:\Program Files\Common sub CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES () { 0x002D } # All Users\Templates sub CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS () { 0x002E } # All Users\Documents sub CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS () { 0x002F } # All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools sub CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS () { 0x0030 } # <user name>\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools sub CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC () { 0x0035 } # All Users\My Music sub CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES () { 0x0036 } # All Users\My Pictures sub CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO () { 0x0037 } # All Users\My Video sub CSIDL_RESOURCES () { 0x0038 } # %windir%\Resources\, For theme and other windows resources. sub CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED () { 0x0039 } # %windir%\Resources\<LangID>, for theme and other windows specific resources. sub CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA () { 0x003B } # <user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning sub VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER () { 0x0000002 } # The system is a domain controller and the operating system is Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000 Server. sub VER_NT_SERVER () { 0x0000003 } # The operating system is Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, or Windows 2000 Server. # Note that a server that is also a domain controller is reported as VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER, not VER_NT_SERVER. sub VER_NT_WORKSTATION () { 0x0000001 } # The operating system is Windows Vista, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows 2000 Professional. sub VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE () { 0x00000004 } # Microsoft BackOffice components are installed. sub VER_SUITE_BLADE () { 0x00000400 } # Windows Server 2003, Web Edition is installed. sub VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER () { 0x00004000 } # Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition is installed. sub VER_SUITE_DATACENTER () { 0x00000080 } # Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition, or Windows 2000 Datacenter Server is installed. sub VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE () { 0x00000002 } # Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, or Windows 2000 Advanced Server is installed. Refer to the Remarks section for more information about this bit flag. sub VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT () { 0x00000040 } # Windows XP Embedded is installed. sub VER_SUITE_PERSONAL () { 0x00000200 } # Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Basic, or Windows XP Home Edition is installed. sub VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS () { 0x00000100 } # Remote Desktop is supported, but only one interactive session is supported. This value is set unless the system is running in application server mode. sub VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS () { 0x00000001 } # Microsoft Small Business Server was once installed on the system, but may have been upgraded to another version of Windows. Refer to the Remarks section for more information about this bit flag. sub VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED () { 0x00000020 } # Microsoft Small Business Server is installed with the restrictive client license in force. Refer to the Remarks section for more information about this bit flag. sub VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER () { 0x00002000 } # Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 or Windows Storage Server 2003 is installed. sub VER_SUITE_TERMINAL () { 0x00000010 } # Terminal Services is installed. This value is always set. # If VER_SUITE_TERMINAL is set but VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS is not set, the system is running in application server mode. sub VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER () { 0x00008000 } # Windows Home Server is installed. sub VER_SUITE_MULTIUSERTS () { 0x00020000 } # AppServer mode is enabled. sub SM_TABLETPC () { 86 } sub SM_MEDIACENTER () { 87 } sub SM_STARTER () { 88 } sub SM_SERVERR2 () { 89 } sub PRODUCT_UNDEFINED () { 0x000 } # An unknown product sub PRODUCT_ULTIMATE () { 0x001 } # Ultimate sub PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC () { 0x002 } # Home Basic sub PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM () { 0x003 } # Home Premium sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE () { 0x004 } # Enterprise sub PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC_N () { 0x005 } # Home Basic N sub PRODUCT_BUSINESS () { 0x006 } # Business sub PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER () { 0x007 } # Server Standard (full installation) sub PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER () { 0x008 } # Server Datacenter (full installation) sub PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER () { 0x009 } # Windows Small Business Server sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER () { 0x00A } # Server Enterprise (full installation) sub PRODUCT_STARTER () { 0x00B } # Starter sub PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE () { 0x00C } # Server Datacenter (core installation) sub PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE () { 0x00D } # Server Standard (core installation) sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE () { 0x00E } # Server Enterprise (core installation) sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_IA64 () { 0x00F } # Server Enterprise for Itanium-based Systems sub PRODUCT_BUSINESS_N () { 0x010 } # Business N sub PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER () { 0x011 } # Web Server (full installation) sub PRODUCT_CLUSTER_SERVER () { 0x012 } # HPC Edition sub PRODUCT_HOME_SERVER () { 0x013 } # Home Server Edition sub PRODUCT_STORAGE_EXPRESS_SERVER () { 0x014 } # Storage Server Express sub PRODUCT_STORAGE_STANDARD_SERVER () { 0x015 } # Storage Server Standard sub PRODUCT_STORAGE_WORKGROUP_SERVER () { 0x016 } # Storage Server Workgroup sub PRODUCT_STORAGE_ENTERPRISE_SERVER () { 0x017 } # Storage Server Enterprise sub PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS () { 0x018 } # Windows Server 2008 for Windows Essential Server Solutions sub PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER_PREMIUM () { 0x019 } # Windows Small Business Server Premium sub PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM_N () { 0x01A } # Home Premium N sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_N () { 0x01B } # Enterprise N sub PRODUCT_ULTIMATE_N () { 0x01C } # Ultimate N sub PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER_CORE () { 0x01D } # Web Server (core installation) sub PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MANAGEMENT () { 0x01E } # Windows Essential Business Server Management Server sub PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_SECURITY () { 0x01F } # Windows Essential Business Server Security Server sub PRODUCT_MEDIUMBUSINESS_SERVER_MESSAGING () { 0x020 } # Windows Essential Business Server Messaging Server sub PRODUCT_SERVER_FOUNDATION () { 0x021 } # Server Foundation #define PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM_SERVER 0x00000022 sub PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SMALLBUSINESS_V () { 0x023 } # Windows Server 2008 without Hyper-V for Windows Essential Server Solutions sub PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_V () { 0x024 } # Server Standard without Hyper-V (full installation) sub PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER_V () { 0x025 } # Server Datacenter without Hyper-V (full installation) sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_V () { 0x026 } # Server Enterprise without Hyper-V (full installation) sub PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE_V () { 0x027 } # Server Datacenter without Hyper-V (core installation) sub PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE_V () { 0x028 } # Server Standard without Hyper-V (core installation) sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE_V () { 0x029 } # Server Enterprise without Hyper-V (core installation) sub PRODUCT_HYPERV () { 0x02A } # Microsoft Hyper-V Server #define PRODUCT_STORAGE_EXPRESS_SERVER_CORE 0x0000002B #define PRODUCT_STORAGE_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE 0x0000002C #define PRODUCT_STORAGE_WORKGROUP_SERVER_CORE 0x0000002D #define PRODUCT_STORAGE_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE 0x0000002E sub PRODUCT_STARTER_N () { 0x02F } # Starter N sub PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL () { 0x030 } # Professional sub PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_N () { 0x031 } # Professional N #define PRODUCT_SB_SOLUTION_SERVER 0x00000032 #define PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SB_SOLUTIONS 0x00000033 #define PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_SOLUTIONS 0x00000034 #define PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_SOLUTIONS_CORE 0x00000035 #define PRODUCT_SB_SOLUTION_SERVER_EM 0x00000036 #define PRODUCT_SERVER_FOR_SB_SOLUTIONS_EM 0x00000037 #define PRODUCT_SOLUTION_EMBEDDEDSERVER 0x00000038 #define PRODUCT_SOLUTION_EMBEDDEDSERVER_CORE 0x00000039 #define PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_EMBEDDED 0x0000003A #define PRODUCT_ESSENTIALBUSINESS_SERVER_MGMT 0x0000003B #define PRODUCT_ESSENTIALBUSINESS_SERVER_ADDL 0x0000003C #define PRODUCT_ESSENTIALBUSINESS_SERVER_MGMTSVC 0x0000003D #define PRODUCT_ESSENTIALBUSINESS_SERVER_ADDLSVC 0x0000003E #define PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER_PREMIUM_CORE 0x0000003F #define PRODUCT_CLUSTER_SERVER_V 0x00000040 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED 0x00000041 sub PRODUCT_STARTER_E () { 0x042 } # Starter E sub PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC_E () { 0x043 } # Home Basic E sub PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM_E () { 0x044 } # Home Premium E sub PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_E () { 0x045 } # Professional E sub PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_E () { 0x046 } # Enterprise E sub PRODUCT_ULTIMATE_E () { 0x047 } # Ultimate E #define PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_EVALUATION 0x00000048 #define PRODUCT_MULTIPOINT_STANDARD_SERVER 0x0000004C #define PRODUCT_MULTIPOINT_PREMIUM_SERVER 0x0000004D #define PRODUCT_STANDARD_EVALUATION_SERVER 0x0000004F #define PRODUCT_DATACENTER_EVALUATION_SERVER 0x00000050 #define PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_N_EVALUATION 0x00000054 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_AUTOMOTIVE 0x00000055 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_INDUSTRY_A 0x00000056 #define PRODUCT_THINPC 0x00000057 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_A 0x00000058 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_INDUSTRY 0x00000059 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_E 0x0000005A #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_INDUSTRY_E 0x0000005B #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_INDUSTRY_A_E 0x0000005C #define PRODUCT_STORAGE_WORKGROUP_EVALUATION_SERVER 0x0000005F #define PRODUCT_STORAGE_STANDARD_EVALUATION_SERVER 0x00000060 #define PRODUCT_CORE_ARM 0x00000061 sub PRODUCT_CORE_N () { 0x62 } # Windows 10 Home N sub PRODUCT_CORE_COUNTRYSPECIFIC () { 0x63 } # Windows 10 Home China sub PRODUCT_CORE_SINGLELANGUAGE () { 0x64 } # Windows 10 Home Single Language sub PRODUCT_CORE () { 0x65 } # Windows 10 Home #define PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_WMC 0x00000067 #define PRODUCT_MOBILE_CORE 0x00000068 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_INDUSTRY_EVAL 0x00000069 #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_INDUSTRY_E_EVAL 0x0000006A #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_EVAL 0x0000006B #define PRODUCT_EMBEDDED_E_EVAL 0x0000006C #define PRODUCT_NANO_SERVER 0x0000006D #define PRODUCT_CLOUD_STORAGE_SERVER 0x0000006E #define PRODUCT_CORE_CONNECTED 0x0000006F #define PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_STUDENT 0x00000070 #define PRODUCT_CORE_CONNECTED_N 0x00000071 #define PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_STUDENT_N 0x00000072 #define PRODUCT_CORE_CONNECTED_SINGLELANGUAGE 0x00000073 #define PRODUCT_CORE_CONNECTED_COUNTRYSPECIFIC 0x00000074 #define PRODUCT_CONNECTED_CAR 0x00000075 #define PRODUCT_INDUSTRY_HANDHELD 0x00000076 #define PRODUCT_PPI_PRO 0x00000077 #define PRODUCT_ARM64_SERVER 0x00000078 sub PRODUCT_EDUCATION () { 0x79 } # Windows 10 Education sub PRODUCT_EDUCATION_N () { 0x7A } # Windows 10 Education N #define PRODUCT_IOTUAP 0x0000007B #define PRODUCT_CLOUD_HOST_INFRASTRUCTURE_SERVER 0x0000007C #define PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_S 0x0000007D #define PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_S_N 0x0000007E #define PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_S 0x0000007F #define PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL_S_N 0x00000080 #define PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_S_EVALUATION 0x00000081 #define PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_S_N_EVALUATION 0x00000082 sub PRODUCT_UNLICENSED () { 0xABCDABCD } # product has not been activated and is no longer in the grace period sub PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64 () { 12 } # ARM64 sub PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM () { 5 } # ARM sub PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 () { 9 } # x64 (AMD or Intel) sub PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 () { 6 } # Intel Itanium Processor Family (IPF) sub PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL () { 0 } # x86 sub PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN () { 0xffff } # Unknown architecture. sub _GetProcessorArchitecture { my $arch = { 386 => PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL, 486 => PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL, 586 => PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL, 2200 => PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64, 8664 => PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64, }->{Win32::GetChipName()}; if (!defined($arch)) { $arch = { 5 => PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM, 12 => PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64, }->{Win32::GetChipArch()}; } return defined($arch) ? $arch : PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN; } ### This method is just a simple interface into GetOSVersion(). More ### specific or demanding situations should use that instead. my ($cached_os, $cached_desc); sub GetOSName { unless (defined $cached_os) { my($desc, $major, $minor, $build, $id, undef, undef, $suitemask, $producttype) = Win32::GetOSVersion(); my $arch = _GetProcessorArchitecture(); my $productinfo = Win32::GetProductInfo(6, 0, 0, 0); ($cached_os, $cached_desc) = _GetOSName($desc, $major, $minor, $build, $id, $suitemask, $producttype, $productinfo, $arch); } return wantarray ? ($cached_os, $cached_desc) : $cached_os; } sub GetOSDisplayName { # Calling GetOSDisplayName() with arguments is for the test suite only! my($name,$desc) = @_ ? @_ : GetOSName(); $name =~ s/^Win//; if ($desc =~ /^Windows Home Server\b/ || $desc =~ /^Windows XP Professional x64 Edition\b/) { ($name, $desc) = ($desc, ""); } elsif ($desc =~ s/\s*(Windows (.*) Server( \d+)?)//) { $name = "$1 $name"; $desc =~ s/^\s+//; } else { for ($name) { s/^/Windows / unless /^Win32s$/; s/\/.Net//; s/NT(\d)/NT $1/; if ($desc =~ s/\s*(HPC|Small Business|Web) Server//) { my $name = $1; $desc =~ s/^\s*//; s/(200.)/$name Server $1/; } s/^Windows (20(03|08|12|16|19))/Windows Server $1/; s/^Windows SAC/Windows Server/; } } $name .= " $desc" if length $desc; return $name; } sub _GetSystemMetrics { my($index,$metrics) = @_; return Win32::GetSystemMetrics($index) unless ref $metrics; return $metrics->{$index} if ref $metrics eq "HASH" && defined $metrics->{$index}; return 1 if ref $metrics eq "ARRAY" && grep $_ == $index, @$metrics; return 0; } sub _GetOSName { # The $metrics argument only exists for the benefit of t/GetOSName.t my($csd, $major, $minor, $build, $id, $suitemask, $producttype, $productinfo, $arch, $metrics) = @_; my($os,@tags); my $desc = ""; if ($id == 0) { $os = "Win32s"; } elsif ($id == 1) { if ($minor == 0) { $os = "95"; } elsif ($minor == 10) { $os = "98"; } elsif ($minor == 90) { $os = "Me"; } } elsif ($id == 2) { if ($major == 3) { $os = "NT3.51"; } elsif ($major == 4) { $os = "NT4"; } elsif ($major == 5) { if ($minor == 0) { $os = "2000"; if ($producttype == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { $desc = "Professional"; } else { if ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) { $desc = "Datacenter Server"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) { $desc = "Advanced Server"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED) { $desc = "Small Business Server"; } else { $desc = "Server"; } } # XXX ignoring "Windows 2000 Advanced Server Limited Edition" for Itanium # XXX and "Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Limited Edition" for Itanium } elsif ($minor == 1) { $os = "XP/.Net"; if (_GetSystemMetrics(SM_MEDIACENTER, $metrics)) { $desc = "Media Center Edition"; } elsif (_GetSystemMetrics(SM_TABLETPC, $metrics)) { # Tablet PC Edition is based on XP Pro $desc = "Tablet PC Edition"; } elsif (_GetSystemMetrics(SM_STARTER, $metrics)) { $desc = "Starter Edition"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) { $desc = "Home Edition"; } else { $desc = "Professional"; } # XXX ignoring all Windows XP Embedded and Fundamentals versions } elsif ($minor == 2) { $os = "2003"; if (_GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2, $metrics)) { # XXX R2 was released for all x86 and x64 versions, # XXX but only Enterprise Edition for Itanium. $desc = "R2"; } if ($suitemask == VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER) { $desc .= " Windows Storage Server"; } elsif ($suitemask == VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER) { $desc .= " Windows Home Server"; } elsif ($producttype == VER_NT_WORKSTATION && $arch == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { $desc .= " Windows XP Professional x64 Edition"; } # Test for the server type. if ($producttype != VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { if ($arch == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64) { if ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) { $desc .= " Datacenter Edition for Itanium-based Systems"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) { $desc .= " Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems"; } } elsif ($arch == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { if ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) { $desc .= " Datacenter x64 Edition"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) { $desc .= " Enterprise x64 Edition"; } else { $desc .= " Standard x64 Edition"; } } else { if ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER) { $desc .= " Windows Compute Cluster Server"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) { $desc .= " Datacenter Edition"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) { $desc .= " Enterprise Edition"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_BLADE) { $desc .= " Web Edition"; } elsif ($suitemask & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED) { $desc .= " Small Business Server"; } else { if ($desc !~ /Windows (Home|Storage) Server/) { $desc .= " Standard Edition"; } } } } } } elsif ($major == 6) { if ($minor == 0) { if ($producttype == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { $os = "Vista"; } else { $os = "2008"; } } elsif ($minor == 1) { if ($producttype == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { $os = "7"; } else { $os = "2008"; $desc = "R2"; } } elsif ($minor == 2) { if ($producttype == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { $os = "8"; } else { $os = "2012"; } } elsif ($minor == 3) { if ($producttype == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { $os = "8.1"; } else { $os = "2012"; $desc = "R2"; } } } elsif ($major == 10) { if ($producttype == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) { # Build numbers from $os = '10'; if (9841 <= $build && $build <= 10240) { $desc = " Version 1507"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 10240; $desc .= " (RTM)" if $build == 10240; } elsif (10525 <= $build && $build <= 10586) { $desc = " Version 1511 (November Update)"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 10586; } elsif (11082 <= $build && $build <= 14393) { $desc = " Version 1607 (Anniversary Update)"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 14393; } elsif (14901 <= $build && $build <= 15063) { $desc = " Version 1703 (Creators Update)"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 15063; } elsif (16170 <= $build && $build <= 16299) { $desc = " Version 1709 (Fall Creators Update)"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 16299; } elsif (16353 <= $build && $build <= 17134) { $desc = " Version 1803 (April 2018 Update)"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 17134; } elsif (17604 <= $build && $build <= 17763) { $desc = " Version 1809 (October 2018 Update)"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 17763; } elsif (18204 <= $build && $build <= 18362) { $desc = " Version 1903 (May 2019 Update)"; $desc .= " (Preview Build $build)" if $build < 18362; } else { $desc = " Build $build"; } } else { if ($build == 14393) { $os = "2016"; $desc = "Version 1607"; } elsif ($build == 17763) { $os = "2019"; $desc = "Version 1809"; } else { $os = "Server"; if ($build == 16299) { $desc = "Version 1709"; } elsif ($build == 17134) { $desc = "Version 1803"; } elsif ($build == 18362) { $desc = "Version 1903"; } else { $desc = "Build $build"; } } } } if ($major >= 6) { if ($major == 6) { if ($productinfo == PRODUCT_ULTIMATE) { $desc .= " Ultimate"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_HOME_PREMIUM) { $desc .= " Home Premium"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_HOME_BASIC) { $desc .= " Home Basic"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE) { $desc .= " Enterprise"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_BUSINESS) { # "Windows 7 Business" had a name change to "Windows 7 Professional" $desc .= $minor == 0 ? " Business" : " Professional"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_STARTER) { $desc .= " Starter"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_CLUSTER_SERVER) { $desc .= " HPC Server"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER) { $desc .= " Datacenter"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_DATACENTER_SERVER_CORE) { $desc .= " Datacenter Edition (core installation)"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER) { $desc .= " Enterprise"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_CORE) { $desc .= " Enterprise Edition (core installation)"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_IA64) { $desc .= " Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER) { $desc .= " Small Business Server"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_SMALLBUSINESS_SERVER_PREMIUM) { $desc .= " Small Business Server Premium Edition"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER) { $desc .= " Standard"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_STANDARD_SERVER_CORE) { $desc .= " Standard Edition (core installation)"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_WEB_SERVER) { $desc .= " Web Server"; } elsif ($productinfo == PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL) { $desc .= " Professional"; } } if ($arch == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) { $desc .= " (32-bit)"; } elsif ($arch == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) { $desc .= " (64-bit)"; } } } unless (defined $os) { warn "Unknown Windows version [$id:$major:$minor]"; return; } for ($desc) { s/\s\s+/ /g; s/^\s//; s/\s$//; } # XXX What about "Small Business Server"? NT, 200, 2003, 2008 editions... if ($major >= 5) { # XXX XP, Vista, 7 all have starter editions #push(@tags, "Starter Edition") if _GetSystemMetrics(SM_STARTER, $metrics); } if (@tags) { unshift(@tags, $desc) if length $desc; $desc = join(" ", @tags); } if (length $csd) { $desc .= " " if length $desc; $desc .= $csd; } return ("Win$os", $desc); } sub IsSymlinkCreationAllowed { my(undef, $major, $minor, $build) = GetOSVersion(); # Vista was the first Windows version with symlink support return !!0 if $major < 6; # Since Windows 10 1703, enabling the developer mode allows to create # symlinks regardless of process privileges if ($major > 10 || ($major == 10 && ($minor > 0 || $build > 15063))) { return !!1 if IsDeveloperModeEnabled(); } my $privs = GetProcessPrivileges(); return !!0 unless $privs; # It doesn't matter if the permission is enabled or not, it just has to # exist. CreateSymbolicLink() will automatically enable it when needed. return exists $privs->{SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege}; } # "no warnings 'redefine';" doesn't work for 5.8.7 and earlier local $^W = 0; bootstrap Win32; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Win32 - Interfaces to some Win32 API Functions =head1 DESCRIPTION The Win32 module contains functions to access Win32 APIs. =head2 Alphabetical Listing of Win32 Functions It is recommended to C<use Win32;> before any of these functions; however, for backwards compatibility, those marked as [CORE] will automatically do this for you. In the function descriptions below the term I<Unicode string> is used to indicate that the string may contain characters outside the system codepage. The caveat I<If supported by the core Perl version> generally means Perl 5.8.9 and later, though some Unicode pathname functionality may work on earlier versions. =over =item Win32::AbortSystemShutdown(MACHINE) Aborts a system shutdown (started by the InitiateSystemShutdown function) on the specified MACHINE. =item Win32::BuildNumber() [CORE] Returns the ActivePerl build number. This function is only available in the ActivePerl binary distribution. =item Win32::CopyFile(FROM, TO, OVERWRITE) [CORE] The Win32::CopyFile() function copies an existing file to a new file. All file information like creation time and file attributes will be copied to the new file. However it will B<not> copy the security information. If the destination file already exists it will only be overwritten when the OVERWRITE parameter is true. But even this will not overwrite a read-only file; you have to unlink() it first yourself. =item Win32::CreateDirectory(DIRECTORY) Creates the DIRECTORY and returns a true value on success. Check $^E on failure for extended error information. DIRECTORY may contain Unicode characters outside the system codepage. Once the directory has been created you can use Win32::GetANSIPathName() to get a name that can be passed to system calls and external programs. =item Win32::CreateFile(FILE) Creates the FILE and returns a true value on success. Check $^E on failure for extended error information. FILE may contain Unicode characters outside the system codepage. Once the file has been created you can use Win32::GetANSIPathName() to get a name that can be passed to system calls and external programs. =item Win32::DomainName() [CORE] Returns the name of the Microsoft Network domain or workgroup that the owner of the current perl process is logged into. The "Workstation" service must be running to determine this information. This function does B<not> work on Windows 9x. =item Win32::ExpandEnvironmentStrings(STRING) Takes STRING and replaces all referenced environment variable names with their defined values. References to environment variables take the form C<%VariableName%>. Case is ignored when looking up the VariableName in the environment. If the variable is not found then the original C<%VariableName%> text is retained. Has the same effect as the following: $string =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$ENV{$1} || "%$1%"/eg However, this function may return a Unicode string if the environment variable being expanded hasn't been assigned to via %ENV. Access to %ENV is currently always using byte semantics. =item Win32::FormatMessage(ERRORCODE) [CORE] Converts the supplied Win32 error number (e.g. returned by Win32::GetLastError()) to a descriptive string. Analogous to the perror() standard-C library function. Note that C<$^E> used in a string context has much the same effect. C:\> perl -e "$^E = 26; print $^E;" The specified disk or diskette cannot be accessed =item Win32::FsType() [CORE] Returns the name of the filesystem of the currently active drive (like 'FAT' or 'NTFS'). In list context it returns three values: (FSTYPE, FLAGS, MAXCOMPLEN). FSTYPE is the filesystem type as before. FLAGS is a combination of values of the following table: 0x00000001 supports case-sensitive filenames 0x00000002 preserves the case of filenames 0x00000004 supports Unicode in filenames 0x00000008 preserves and enforces ACLs 0x00000010 supports file-based compression 0x00000020 supports disk quotas 0x00000040 supports sparse files 0x00000080 supports reparse points 0x00000100 supports remote storage 0x00008000 is a compressed volume (e.g. DoubleSpace) 0x00010000 supports object identifiers 0x00020000 supports the Encrypted File System (EFS) MAXCOMPLEN is the maximum length of a filename component (the part between two backslashes) on this file system. =item Win32::FreeLibrary(HANDLE) Unloads a previously loaded dynamic-link library. The HANDLE is no longer valid after this call. See L<LoadLibrary|Win32::LoadLibrary(LIBNAME)> for information on dynamically loading a library. =item Win32::GetACP() Returns the current Windows ANSI code page identifier for the operating system. See also GetOEMCP(), GetConsoleCP() and GetConsoleOutputCP(). =item Win32::GetANSIPathName(FILENAME) Returns an ANSI version of FILENAME. This may be the short name if the long name cannot be represented in the system codepage. While not currently implemented, it is possible that in the future this function will convert only parts of the path to FILENAME to a short form. If FILENAME doesn't exist on the filesystem, or if the filesystem doesn't support short ANSI filenames, then this function will translate the Unicode name into the system codepage using replacement characters. =item Win32::GetArchName() Use of this function is deprecated. It is equivalent with $ENV{PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE}. This might not work on Win9X. =item Win32::GetChipName() Returns the processor type: 386, 486 or 586 for x86 processors, 8664 for the x64 processor and 2200 for the Itanium. For arm/arm64 processor, the value is marked as "Reserved" (not specified, but usually 0) in Microsoft documentation, so it's better to use GetChipArch(). Since it returns the native processor type it will return a 64-bit processor type even when called from a 32-bit Perl running on 64-bit Windows. =item Win32::GetChipArch() Returns the processor architecture: 0 for x86 processors, 5 for arm, 6 for Itanium, 9 for x64 and 12 for arm64, and 0xFFFF for unknown architecture. =item Win32::GetConsoleCP() Returns the input code page used by the console associated with the calling process. To set the console's input code page, see SetConsoleCP(). See also GetConsoleOutputCP(), GetACP() and GetOEMCP(). =item Win32::GetConsoleOutputCP() Returns the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process. To set the console's output code page, see SetConsoleOutputCP(). See also GetConsoleCP(), GetACP(), and GetOEMCP(). =item Win32::GetCwd() [CORE] Returns the current active drive and directory. This function does not return a UNC path, since the functionality required for such a feature is not available under Windows 95. If supported by the core Perl version, this function will return an ANSI path name for the current directory if the long pathname cannot be represented in the system codepage. =item Win32::GetCurrentProcessId() Returns the process identifier of the current process. Until the process terminates, the process identifier uniquely identifies the process throughout the system. The current process identifier is normally also available via the predefined $$ variable. Under fork() emulation however $$ may contain a pseudo-process identifier that is only meaningful to the Perl kill(), wait() and waitpid() functions. The Win32::GetCurrentProcessId() function will always return the regular Windows process id, even when called from inside a pseudo-process. =item Win32::GetCurrentThreadId() Returns the thread identifier of the calling thread. Until the thread terminates, the thread identifier uniquely identifies the thread throughout the system. =item Win32::GetFileVersion(FILENAME) Returns the file version number from the VERSIONINFO resource of the executable file or DLL. This is a tuple of four 16 bit numbers. In list context these four numbers will be returned. In scalar context they are concatenated into a string, separated by dots. =item Win32::GetFolderPath(FOLDER [, CREATE]) Returns the full pathname of one of the Windows special folders. The folder will be created if it doesn't exist and the optional CREATE argument is true. The following FOLDER constants are defined by the Win32 module, but only exported on demand: CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS CSIDL_APPDATA CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO CSIDL_COOKIES CSIDL_DESKTOP CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY CSIDL_FAVORITES CSIDL_FONTS CSIDL_HISTORY CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA CSIDL_MYMUSIC CSIDL_MYPICTURES CSIDL_MYVIDEO CSIDL_NETHOOD CSIDL_PERSONAL CSIDL_PRINTHOOD CSIDL_PROFILE CSIDL_PROGRAMS CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON CSIDL_RECENT CSIDL_RESOURCES CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED CSIDL_SENDTO CSIDL_STARTMENU CSIDL_STARTUP CSIDL_SYSTEM CSIDL_TEMPLATES CSIDL_WINDOWS Note that not all folders are defined on all versions of Windows. Please refer to the MSDN documentation of the CSIDL constants, currently available at: This function will return an ANSI folder path if the long name cannot be represented in the system codepage. Use Win32::GetLongPathName() on the result of Win32::GetFolderPath() if you want the Unicode version of the folder name. =item Win32::GetFullPathName(FILENAME) [CORE] GetFullPathName combines the FILENAME with the current drive and directory name and returns a fully qualified (aka, absolute) path name. In list context it returns two elements: (PATH, FILE) where PATH is the complete pathname component (including trailing backslash) and FILE is just the filename part. Note that no attempt is made to convert 8.3 components in the supplied FILENAME to longnames or vice-versa. Compare with Win32::GetShortPathName() and Win32::GetLongPathName(). If supported by the core Perl version, this function will return an ANSI path name if the full pathname cannot be represented in the system codepage. =item Win32::GetLastError() [CORE] Returns the last error value generated by a call to a Win32 API function. Note that C<$^E> used in a numeric context amounts to the same value. =item Win32::GetLongPathName(PATHNAME) [CORE] Returns a representation of PATHNAME composed of longname components (if any). The result may not necessarily be longer than PATHNAME. No attempt is made to convert PATHNAME to the absolute path. Compare with Win32::GetShortPathName() and Win32::GetFullPathName(). This function may return the pathname in Unicode if it cannot be represented in the system codepage. Use Win32::GetANSIPathName() before passing the path to a system call or another program. =item Win32::GetNextAvailDrive() [CORE] Returns a string in the form of "<d>:" where <d> is the first available drive letter. =item Win32::GetOEMCP() Returns the current original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code page identifier for the operating system. See also GetACP(), GetConsoleCP() and GetConsoleOutputCP(). =item Win32::GetOSDisplayName() Returns the "marketing" name of the Windows operating system version being used. It returns names like these (random samples): Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Windows XP Professional Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Windows Home Server Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition for Itanium-based Systems Windows Vista Ultimate (32-bit) Windows Small Business Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) The display name describes the native Windows version, so even on a 32-bit Perl this function may return a "Windows ... (64-bit)" name when running on a 64-bit Windows. This function should only be used to display the actual OS name to the user; it should not be used to determine the class of operating systems this system belongs to. The Win32::GetOSName(), Win32::GetOSVersion, Win32::GetProductInfo() and Win32::GetSystemMetrics() functions provide the base information to check for certain capabilities, or for families of OS releases. =item Win32::GetOSName() In scalar context returns the name of the Win32 operating system being used. In list context returns a two element list of the OS name and whatever edition information is known about the particular build (for Win9X boxes) and whatever service packs have been installed. The latter is roughly equivalent to the first item returned by GetOSVersion() in list context. The description will also include tags for other special editions, like "R2", "Media Center", "Tablet PC", or "Starter Edition". In the Windows 10 / Server Semi-Annual Channel era, the description may contain the relevant ReleaseId value, but this is only inferred from the build number, not determined absolutely. Currently the possible values for the OS name are WinWin32s Win95 Win98 WinMe WinNT3.51 WinNT4 Win2000 WinXP/.Net Win2003 WinHomeSvr WinVista Win2008 Win7 Win8 Win8.1 Win10 Win2016 Win2019 WinSAC This routine is just a simple interface into GetOSVersion(). More specific or demanding situations should use that instead. Another option would be to use POSIX::uname(), however the latter appears to report only the OS family name and not the specific OS. In scalar context it returns just the ID. The name "WinXP/.Net" is used for historical reasons only, to maintain backwards compatibility of the Win32 module. Windows .NET Server has been renamed as Windows 2003 Server before final release and uses a different major/minor version number than Windows XP. Similarly the name "WinWin32s" should have been "Win32s" but has been kept as-is for backwards compatibility reasons too. =item Win32::GetOSVersion() [CORE] Returns the list (STRING, MAJOR, MINOR, BUILD, ID), where the elements are, respectively: An arbitrary descriptive string, the major version number of the operating system, the minor version number, the build number, and a digit indicating the actual operating system. For the ID, the values are 0 for Win32s, 1 for Windows 9X/Me and 2 for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7. In scalar context it returns just the ID. Currently known values for ID MAJOR MINOR and BUILD are as follows: OS ID MAJOR MINOR BUILD Win32s 0 - - - Windows 95 1 4 0 - Windows 98 1 4 10 - Windows Me 1 4 90 - Windows NT 3.51 2 3 51 - Windows NT 4 2 4 0 - Windows 2000 2 5 0 - Windows XP 2 5 1 - Windows Server 2003 2 5 2 - Windows Server 2003 R2 2 5 2 - Windows Home Server 2 5 2 - Windows Vista 2 6 0 - Windows Server 2008 2 6 0 - Windows 7 2 6 1 - Windows Server 2008 R2 2 6 1 - Windows 8 2 6 2 - Windows Server 2012 2 6 2 - Windows 8.1 2 6 2 - Windows Server 2012 R2 2 6 2 - Windows 10 2 10 0 - Windows Server 2016 2 10 0 14393 Windows Server 2019 2 10 0 17677 On Windows NT 4 SP6 and later this function returns the following additional values: SPMAJOR, SPMINOR, SUITEMASK, PRODUCTTYPE. The version numbers for Windows 2003 and Windows Home Server are identical; the SUITEMASK field must be used to differentiate between them. The version numbers for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 are identical; the PRODUCTTYPE field must be used to differentiate between them. The version numbers for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are identical; the PRODUCTTYPE field must be used to differentiate between them. The version numbers for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 are identical; the PRODUCTTYPE field must be used to differentiate between them. For modern Windows releases, the major and minor version numbers are identical. The PRODUCTTYPE field must be used to differentiate between Windows 10 and Server releases. The BUILD field is used to differentiate Windows Server versions: currently 2016, 2019, and Semi-Annual Channel releases. SPMAJOR and SPMINOR are the version numbers of the latest installed service pack. (In the Windows 10 era, these are unused.) SUITEMASK is a bitfield identifying the product suites available on the system. Known bits are: VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS 0x00000001 VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE 0x00000002 VER_SUITE_BACKOFFICE 0x00000004 VER_SUITE_COMMUNICATIONS 0x00000008 VER_SUITE_TERMINAL 0x00000010 VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED 0x00000020 VER_SUITE_EMBEDDEDNT 0x00000040 VER_SUITE_DATACENTER 0x00000080 VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS 0x00000100 VER_SUITE_PERSONAL 0x00000200 VER_SUITE_BLADE 0x00000400 VER_SUITE_EMBEDDED_RESTRICTED 0x00000800 VER_SUITE_SECURITY_APPLIANCE 0x00001000 VER_SUITE_STORAGE_SERVER 0x00002000 VER_SUITE_COMPUTE_SERVER 0x00004000 VER_SUITE_WH_SERVER 0x00008000 VER_SUITE_MULTIUSERTS 0x00020000 The VER_SUITE_xxx names are listed here to cross reference the Microsoft documentation. The Win32 module does not provide symbolic names for these constants. PRODUCTTYPE provides additional information about the system. It should be one of the following integer values: 1 - Workstation (NT 4, 2000 Pro, XP Home, XP Pro, Vista, etc) 2 - Domaincontroller 3 - Server (2000 Server, Server 2003, Server 2008, etc) Note that a server that is also a domain controller is reported as PRODUCTTYPE 2 (Domaincontroller) and not PRODUCTTYPE 3 (Server). =item Win32::GetShortPathName(PATHNAME) [CORE] Returns a representation of PATHNAME that is composed of short (8.3) path components where available. For path components where the file system has not generated the short form the returned path will use the long form, so this function might still for instance return a path containing spaces. Returns C<undef> when the PATHNAME does not exist. Compare with Win32::GetFullPathName() and Win32::GetLongPathName(). =item Win32::GetSystemMetrics(INDEX) Retrieves the specified system metric or system configuration setting. Please refer to the Microsoft documentation of the GetSystemMetrics() function for a reference of available INDEX values. All system metrics return integer values. =item Win32::GetProcAddress(INSTANCE, PROCNAME) Returns the address of a function inside a loaded library. The information about what you can do with this address has been lost in the mist of time. Use the Win32::API module instead of this deprecated function. =item Win32::GetProcessPrivileges([PID]) Returns a reference to a hash holding the information about the privileges held by the specified process. The keys are privilege names, and the values are booleans indicating whether a given privilege is currently enabled or not. If the optional PID parameter is omitted, the function queries the current process. Example return value: { SeTimeZonePrivilege => 0, SeShutdownPrivilege => 0, SeUndockPrivilege => 0, SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege => 0, SeChangeNotifyPrivilege => 1 } =item Win32::GetProductInfo(OSMAJOR, OSMINOR, SPMAJOR, SPMINOR) Retrieves the product type for the operating system on the local computer, and maps the type to the product types supported by the specified operating system. Please refer to the Microsoft documentation of the GetProductInfo() function for more information about the parameters and return value. This function requires Windows Vista or later. See also the Win32::GetOSName() and Win32::GetOSDisplayName() functions which provide a higher level abstraction of the data returned by this function. =item Win32::GetTickCount() [CORE] Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the last system boot. Resolution is limited to system timer ticks (about 10ms on WinNT and 55ms on Win9X). =item Win32::GuidGen() Creates a globally unique 128 bit integer that can be used as a persistent identifier in a distributed setting. To a very high degree of certainty this function returns a unique value. No other invocation, on the same or any other system (networked or not), should return the same value. The return value is formatted according to OLE conventions, as groups of hex digits with surrounding braces. For example: {09531CF1-D0C7-4860-840C-1C8C8735E2AD} =item Win32::HttpGetFile(URL, FILENAME [, IGNORE_CERT_ERRORS]) Uses the WinHttp library to download the file specified by the URL parameter to the local file specified by FILENAME. The optional third parameter, if true, indicates that certficate errors are to be ignored for https connections; please use with caution in a safe environment, such as when testing locally using a self-signed certificate. Only http and https protocols are supported. Authentication is not supported. The function is not available when building with gcc prior to 4.8.0 because the WinHttp library is not available. In scalar context returns a boolean success or failure, and in list context also returns, in addition to the boolean status, a second value containing message text related to the status. If the call fails, C<Win32::GetLastError()> will return a numeric error code, which may be a system error, a WinHttp error, or a user-defined error composed of 1e9 plus the HTTP status code. Scalar context example: print Win32::GetLastError() unless Win32::HttpGetFile('', '.\file.tgz'); List context example: my ($ok, $msg) = Win32::HttpGetFile('', '.\file.tgz'); if ($ok) { print "Success!: $msg\n"; } else { print "Failure!: $msg\n"; my $err = Win32::GetLastError(); if ($err > 1e9) { printf "HTTP status: %d\n", ($err - 1e9); } } =item Win32::InitiateSystemShutdown (MACHINE, MESSAGE, TIMEOUT, FORCECLOSE, REBOOT) Shuts down the specified MACHINE, notifying users with the supplied MESSAGE, within the specified TIMEOUT interval. Forces closing of all documents without prompting the user if FORCECLOSE is true, and reboots the machine if REBOOT is true. This function works only on WinNT. =item Win32::IsAdminUser() Returns non zero if the account in whose security context the current process/thread is running belongs to the local group of Administrators in the built-in system domain; returns 0 if not. On Windows Vista it will only return non-zero if the process is actually running with elevated privileges. Returns C<undef> and prints a warning if an error occurred. This function always returns 1 on Win9X. =item Win32::IsDeveloperModeEnabled() Returns true if the developer mode is currently enabled. It always returns false on Windows versions older than Windows 10. =item Win32::IsSymlinkCreationAllowed() Returns true if the current process is allowed to create symbolic links. This function is a convenience wrapper around Win32::GetProcessPrivileges() and Win32::IsDeveloperModeEnabled(). =item Win32::IsWinNT() [CORE] Returns non zero if the Win32 subsystem is Windows NT. =item Win32::IsWin95() [CORE] Returns non zero if the Win32 subsystem is Windows 95. =item Win32::LoadLibrary(LIBNAME) Loads a dynamic link library into memory and returns its module handle. This handle can be used with Win32::GetProcAddress() and Win32::FreeLibrary(). This function is deprecated. Use the Win32::API module instead. =item Win32::LoginName() [CORE] Returns the username of the owner of the current perl process. The return value may be a Unicode string. =item Win32::LookupAccountName(SYSTEM, ACCOUNT, DOMAIN, SID, SIDTYPE) Looks up ACCOUNT on SYSTEM and returns the domain name the SID and the SID type. =item Win32::LookupAccountSID(SYSTEM, SID, ACCOUNT, DOMAIN, SIDTYPE) Looks up SID on SYSTEM and returns the account name, domain name, and the SID type. =item Win32::MsgBox(MESSAGE [, FLAGS [, TITLE]]) Create a dialog box containing MESSAGE. FLAGS specifies the required icon and buttons according to the following table: 0 = OK 1 = OK and Cancel 2 = Abort, Retry, and Ignore 3 = Yes, No and Cancel 4 = Yes and No 5 = Retry and Cancel MB_ICONSTOP "X" in a red circle MB_ICONQUESTION question mark in a bubble MB_ICONEXCLAMATION exclamation mark in a yellow triangle MB_ICONINFORMATION "i" in a bubble TITLE specifies an optional window title. The default is "Perl". The function returns the menu id of the selected push button: 0 Error 1 OK 2 Cancel 3 Abort 4 Retry 5 Ignore 6 Yes 7 No =item Win32::NodeName() [CORE] Returns the Microsoft Network node-name of the current machine. =item Win32::OutputDebugString(STRING) Sends a string to the application or system debugger for display. The function does nothing if there is no active debugger. Alternatively one can use the I<Debug Viewer> application to watch the OutputDebugString() output: =item Win32::RegisterServer(LIBRARYNAME) Loads the DLL LIBRARYNAME and calls the function DllRegisterServer. =item Win32::SetChildShowWindow(SHOWWINDOW) [CORE] Sets the I<ShowMode> of child processes started by system(). By default system() will create a new console window for child processes if Perl itself is not running from a console. Calling SetChildShowWindow(0) will make these new console windows invisible. Calling SetChildShowWindow() without arguments reverts system() to the default behavior. The return value of SetChildShowWindow() is the previous setting or C<undef>. The following symbolic constants for SHOWWINDOW are available (but not exported) from the Win32 module: SW_HIDE, SW_SHOWNORMAL, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED and SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE. =item Win32::SetConsoleCP(ID) Sets the input code page used by the console associated with the calling process. The return value of SetConsoleCP() is nonzero on success or zero on failure. To get the console's input code page, see GetConsoleCP(). =item Win32::SetConsoleOutputCP(ID) Sets the output code page used by the console associated with the calling process. The return value of SetConsoleOutputCP() is nonzero on success or zero on failure. To get the console's output code page, see GetConsoleOutputCP(). =item Win32::SetCwd(NEWDIRECTORY) [CORE] Sets the current active drive and directory. This function does not work with UNC paths, since the functionality required to required for such a feature is not available under Windows 95. =item Win32::SetLastError(ERROR) [CORE] Sets the value of the last error encountered to ERROR. This is that value that will be returned by the Win32::GetLastError() function. =item Win32::Sleep(TIME) [CORE] Pauses for TIME milliseconds. The timeslices are made available to other processes and threads. =item Win32::Spawn(COMMAND, ARGS, PID) [CORE] Spawns a new process using the supplied COMMAND, passing in arguments in the string ARGS. The pid of the new process is stored in PID. This function is deprecated. Please use the Win32::Process module instead. =item Win32::UnregisterServer(LIBRARYNAME) Loads the DLL LIBRARYNAME and calls the function DllUnregisterServer. =back =head1 CAVEATS =head2 Short Path Names There are many situations in which modern Windows systems will not have the L<short path name|> (also called 8.3 or MS-DOS) alias for long file names available. Short path support can be configured system-wide via the registry, but the default on modern systems is to configure short path usage per volume. The configuration for a volume can be queried in a number of ways, but these may either be unreliable or require elevated (administrator) privileges. Typically, the configuration for a volume can be queried using the C<fsutil> utility, e.g. C<fsutil 8dot3name query d:>. On the C level, it can be queried with a C<FSCTL_QUERY_PERSISTENT_VOLUME_STATE> request to the C<DeviceIOControl> API call, as described in L<this article|>. However, both of these methods require administrator privileges to work. The Win32 module does not perform any per-volume check and simply fetches short path names in the same manner as the underlying Windows API call it uses: If short path names are disabled, the call will still succeed but the long name will actually be returned. Note that on volumes where this happens, C<GetANSIPathName> usually cannot be used to return useful filenames for files that contain unicode characters. (In code page 65001, this may still work.) Handling unicode filenames in this legacy manner relies upon C<GetShortPathName> returning 8.3 filenames, but without short name support, it will return the filename with all unicode characters replaced by question mark characters. =cut